Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Family visits

Today, before Joann & Rob came, I had a surprise visit from Barb and her boys. How delightful - it's a treat to see all of them. Then, my mom, Krystal, and Caleb came, and shortly thereafter Rob & Joann came. It was a day filled with family - with the addition of Caley and Tessa, it was a full house, full of laughter and talking, and I enjoyed it immensely.

I have pushed myself pretty hard over the past couple of days, living like a person who does not have breast cancer and isn't in chemo. I'm pretty tired now, but in a normal way - the tiredness that comes from having an active, busy life. Tomorrow, I will receive my second chemo infusion, and I will enter the land of bone-weary-fatigue again. It's a little bit harder this time knowing that I must expect that, but it's also a little easier because I'm not expecting nausea any more.

Tomorrow I plan to do chemo as a solitary thing. Caley & Tessa will drop me off, and then Michele is picking me up. (I also hope to meet a new friend, Prema, who is getting chemo around the same time I am, but she'll only be there at the end of my chemo.) Anyway, as much as I will enjoy having visitors at chemo sometimes, tomorrow will be a day to read, write thank you notes (I owe the universe thank you notes...I think maybe 1000 thank you notes might catch me up), listen to music on Ryan's I-Pod Shuffle, and just kick back. Chemo as a vacation...what a crazy thought! Anyway, I'm so rarely solitary that I'm sort of looking forward to it. Next time I'll invite visitors for chemo, but this time I'm grabbing my book bag and hunkering down. :-)

Tomorrow, if I can get there on time, I also plan to pick up my wig (the longer one). Hurrah! Can't wait for that - I want to see it on me to see if I remember it properly.

And now it is late, and I must sleep. Good night, all. Sleep well!



Anonymous said...

kriatina, you did an awsome job of entertainig everyone. So much like the good old days when you cooked cleaned and made it look so easy. Hard to believe this beautiful, perky gal with her breast cancer scarf on is battling for life. I am so proud of you, you truly are an inspiration to me. I love you so.o. much and I hope that the chemo goes quickly and your recovery from it is speedier! Love Mum

*susan* said...

Thinking of you today.... the thank you notes can wait. Read, listen to music and take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Our visit was brief but we were truly blessed to see you, hug and kiss you and see that you are still our Auntie Kristina, love you dear, savour your solitude tomorrow, I'm with Susan, the notes will wait!
Love Barb