Friday, August 12, 2005

Another uneventful day

And by uneventful, I think I mean "good!" Today I am fatigued but in a bearable way. I had a lazy morning, but still managed (with Caley's help, while Tessa was entertaining herself) to clean out the bathroom linen closet, to return some overdue phone calls, and to get some laundry going. We went out for lunch at Capers to get out of the house, and then I came home and Caley took Tessa for a walk to burn off some toddler energy.

Tessa is down for her nap now, and Caley is running some errands for herself, and I will lay down and try to nap as well. If sleep doesn't come, I'll read a little, but I will rest.

No news from my pregnant births yet! I can't wait to hear the happy announcements. :-)

Tonight Eric, Alice, and their boys Beck & Carl are bringing us dinner and staying to eat it with us. We look forward to their company, and of course to their generousity in providing dinner. We are so blessed to have such great friends to take care of us.

With love to all,


*susan* said...

Always wonderful to hear 'uneventful.' That is the new goal!

The Green Cedar said...

Hope you will have or have had a great time with Alice & family! Uneventful is good!