Monday, July 25, 2005

Tentative Chemo Date Scheduled

I have had a couple of docs tell me that chemo can begin as soon as the drain is out, and I hope/expect to get the drain out tomorrow. As I have an appointment with my oncologist on Wednesday, I called their office and asked if it was appropriate to schedule chemo for Wednesday after my appointment...and the answer was "yes." So, I am now on the calendar for getting the first round of Adriamycin and Cytoxin on Wednesday afternoon.

This morning I saw my OB/GYN to make sure that my cervical health was okay and to discuss menopause - which I will be entering soon because of the chemo - and to discuss removing my ovaries. I need to decide whether to have an oopharectomy (just ovaries) or hysterectomy, and I have been given a lot of material to help me make that decision. One of the side effects of some of my drugs can be endometrial cancer, and that makes me nervous, so I may be leaning toward the hysterectomy. The genetic testing will also help me to make that decision, as I want to learn my risks.

I am now scheduled for a DEXA (bone density scan) and a thyroid ultrasound; this is to follow up on, respectively, the degeneration in my hips and the fact that my thyroid continues to be lumpy.

The medical week begins. I hope that your day is going well!


*susan* said...

Another light week at the Savage house. Kristina, you are amazing!

Shall we have a web-poll on the number of BBQ's and playdates you will also enjoy this week?

I'll start. 7 days, 4 social meals, 9 playdates.

The Green Cedar said...

I'll up the ante -- 5 meals; 10 playdates. (Okay, I'm a wimpy gambler...)

Well, you're at the top of the ski jump, kiddo...don't forget that there are lots of us down here to help with landing as we can.

Kristina said...

Well, I myself do not know how many playdates and dinners will come about....but we're about to leave for a playdate at the wading pool with Beth & Anna, and tomorrow is PEPS in the morning at Marilyn & Damien's, and tomorrow afternoon two sets of neighbors, each with a small child, will come over to BBQ with us.... For some people, this would be a recipe for getting over-tired, but for me, it's a recipe for getting well!

Carolyn, I love being compared to Lance. I *might* even be more stubborn than he is...only time will tell! LOL

Love to all, K