Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The hour approaches...

...when I will begin chemo. I think I am ready. I want to get this done, so that I can say "I only have 15 rounds of chemo left," which is better than "I have 16 rounds of chemo left." Although 16, being the date of my birth, is a good number. I'll take comfort where I can find it.

Ryan is back at work. When you are done praying for me ;-), please pray for him.

With love,


Anonymous said...

We will assign you a Chemo Bee asap.

GOod luck - remember chemo is your friend and it wont hurt you - you'll be fine - just stay ahead of it mentally.

You'll wake up tomorrow and you'll feel fine and you'll say "what? this is IT???"

Are you getting the neulasta shot tomorrow? Now THAT can be a bitch, but even still you'll be ok, maybe some bone pain, but that's it...

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for the folks that say "it won't be that bad". I hope you have an experience like theirs and all goes smoothly today.

You have power and support from all kinds of places today.


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of you all morning. Hope it all goes well.


The Green Cedar said...

I expect you've come through your first infusion by now...and I hope it went well for you. Cut yourself lots of slack; chemo makes us weaker than we want to be, but it's not forever and we can be stronger after it. You're near my heart.