Thursday, July 28, 2005

Hair (Bald) Appointment

I am convinced that it will be psychologically easier for me have my head shaved than it will be to wake up with half of my hair on the pillow or to feel it coming out in chunks in my hairbrush. Since hair usually comes out between days 14-18 (gone totally by day 19 at latest), I have decided to shave my head on day 13 after the first chemo (since I'll be in treatment again on day 14). I have an appt at the little place within walking distance of our house for 7pm on August 9th. I plan to bring Tessa and Ryan for support - I think it will be helpful for Tessa to see the process and to help her understand. I plan to bring washable markers (and wipes!) for her to decorate my head and make Mommy beautiful.

If any of you know good wig stores, or places to buy cute hats, this is the time to let me know. Before then, I want to have a good supply!



The Green Cedar said...

Wise woman. I let mine fall out on its own, but switched chemo before it was all out. Looked like the Night of the Living Dead (under the hat I refused to take off) until I got to my stylist. Yours is definitely a better idea!

*susan* said...

Try these... they don't look like old lady hats.