Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sunday and refreshed

Good morning!

This Sunday morning, Tessa is still sleeping, Ryan is off on a bike ride with Libby & Kent (poor Paul and his shoulder have to stay out of the race this month), and I'm just briefly checking in to say hello. Going to bed around the same time Tessa did is just what I needed, and I've awoken feeling much better than I did last night. Since Tessa is doing well (no barf last night!) when we're all up and going we will be heading to the Landahl's to have a playdate - Susan and I will chat while the kids play, and it will be lovely. (Erik is hiking, and Ryan is biking, so the girls will have girl-talk while the kids burn off steam.)

It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do - I feel really good again. Phew! Poison, be gone!

I hope that you are having a great day, and that the day finds you and yours in excellent health. Please send safe-riding vibes or prayers to the bike crew - I need my hubby in one piece, happy and whole!

With love,


*susan* said...

Have a wonderful day with your friends, and I wish Ryan a safe biking day. And thank Susan for her comments to me. This growing sisterhood gives me so much strength.

Take care of yourself.


Anonymous said...

We indeed had a safe and fun ride. Ryan was strong and awesome! Paul did part of it with us. Thanks for loaning Ryan to the team today! We are all getting stronger. Love, Libby