Saturday, September 10, 2005

No more poison...please!

Well, I am feeling last week's pattern repeat. I am really beat, and the feeling of poison is returning. I can bear it because, unlike last week, I keep thinking "never again - no more AC for me!"

Tessa had a good nap and woke looking relatively refreshed. We went for a walk with my parents and Foster-puppy, who were in the neighborhood (okay, so they were really at the RV show at Qwest field, but close enough to come by!) and she seems to be in good spirits. I'm hoping that my dinner will refresh me...but it's early to bed for me today. Fingers crossed that I wake up feeling better - Tessa and I are scheduled for a playdate at the Landahl's and Ryan's going for a long bike ride to train for the LAF ride. (Not too late to sponsor - links are in the box to the right. THANK YOU to the many people who have already chosen to sponsor us!)

Okay, I'm off to finish dinner prep... here's hoping that food is all that it takes to help.



*susan* said...


How do you describe this feeling of poison? I am tingling like I am electrified everywhere. This sensation is most noticeable in my head and feet.

And then there is the constant stomach stuff. Not horrid, but I notice it, when of course when I am 'normal' I never notice my stomach unless I am hungry.

_sigh_ 25% done!

Get a good night sleep, my friend.


Anonymous said...

girls, girls....

EMBRACE your chemo. It isnt poison! It's killing the cancer that will other wise kill you and orphan your children! Yes yes it sucks, I know I've done it, but you will get through it! It's NOT poison!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

San Diego is having a Hot Rod Halloween on Sunday, October 30. If you love old school custom car then you will want to be there! All kinds of old school custom car will be in attendance. For more information go to old school custom car
See Ya There!!