Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A Regular Tuesday

Good morning. I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday - "real life" was too busy to be on the computer much at all, and Tessa didn't nap.

Yesterday morning Tessa and I did art projects together (primarily involving rubber stamps), then Kathleen and Elena came over for a play date and lunch; after the "non-nap" we had a string of visitors, including Michele & Elliott, then Deirdre and Jessica, and then Susie & Nina. This was excellent as my energy levels were low and play dates do not require excess energy...the kids run around and the parents chat, and this was perfect for me.

We enjoyed Deirdre's great dinner together when Ryan got home, and then I left for the YSC meeting while Ryan stayed home with Tessa.

More thoughts on survivor meetings later - I'm too sleepy now, but I will return to the subject.

I did not sleep well last night and now I'm a sleepy person - albeit sleepless - this morning, but this is the way of things. We have a regular day planned today, as we will go to PEPS this morning at Natasha's, and then this afternoon we'll try to get books at the library (I am the class librarian at co-op, which starts for some kids on Thursday).

Today Erik has his hand surgery - Erik, I send you wishes of healing and quick recovery.

Love to all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although my husband is still totally out of it and sleepy, I'm happy to report the hand surgery went well. Now, for him to figure out how to manage two active boys with no use of his right hand for the next 2 weeks. I'm sure he'll figure it out.

I'm amazed because you were much more coherent after your mastectomy. I have a better appreciation for how truly remarkable your recovery was.

Much love - hope you are resting.