Thursday, September 15, 2005

Thursday morning - so far so good!

Well, Tessa slept through the night last night without incident, and this morning she woke up hungry. HURRAH! I made her oatmeal with some apples and a little bit of yogurt in it, and I'm hoping that was the right thing to do. We're not letting her drink milk just yet, as I'm still afraid of the consequences, but - fingers crossed here - this bug might be as short as the last one. Let's hope it's gone for good!

We will have a quiet day today, do some grocery shopping but stay close to home so that we can all be well, because I really want to go to Orcas for my birthday. I would be so sad to cancel, and I don't plan on canceling!

I hope that you have a great day. I feel SO much better now that I've slept, that Tessa's better, and of course I'm further away from my last treatment and that helps, too....

Love to all,

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