Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday - so far, so good!

Well, I woke up feeling pretty human, and I didn't even need to sleep past 9am to do so. Laundry is going, I've had some yogurt and Kashi and taken my meds, and Tessa and I are playing while Ryan takes a little rest (he's been up with us but deserves a little down-time, too).

When we all feel like it, we'll get ready to go to Alki Beach. We'll have a bite to eat at the bakery or cafe, then we'll go to the beach and let Tessa cavort and play. Then we'll go to the Farmer's Market and run an errand or two in the junction before we head home for Tessa's nap.

Now this is what a Sunday should be. :-) I hope that all of you are having similarly restful days!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, the bakery and the beach sound fantastic! Have a great day!