Thursday, August 04, 2005

Today *I* get to help out

Today, I am genuinely looking forward to helping out my friend Molly. Molly is a wonderful, warm, caring, incredible woman and friend, and Molly has been there for me 100% both before and after my diagnosis. Molly has everything "together" and I have never been able to really offer her help with anything, but today I get to be the friend to help. Molly & family have just moved, and there is the usual chaos of moving - the boxes and furniture in the house, but it's not "together" and life is chaotic. This morning I will go and help her to settle into her new house, and it feels SO good to help a friend and to be more of the normal me in doing so. (Don't worry, friends, no heavy lifting etc for me!)

My headache is perpetual, with ebbs and flows. I'll call the doctor again today. It's most likely a side of the anti-nausea drugs, so I'm not sure what to do...I would take a headache over throwing up any day of the week, but I'm not in love with the headache.

I think that Ryan is feeling better. He has received some personal stories from others with his affliction, and they give him strength. You know who you are - THANK YOU for sharing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I believe that Ryan has turned a corner, and that things will be brighter from here out. Of course it will be a long road, but I am filled with hope again.

My love to all,

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