Thursday, August 04, 2005

Follow up on "the letter"

I nearly forgot. The other day, I received a letter in the mail from the interventional radiologist who placed my portacath. I'm paraphrasing here because I'm too lazy to go upstairs and get the letter to quote it 100% accurately, but it says something to the effect of "I am sorry to hear that your very reasonable expectations for care were not met. Your care did not meet my personal or professional standards, either, and I am sorry." It went on to say that the team has reviewed my letter as a starting ground for re-evaluating the patient relationship, and insuring that no other patients ever experience something like this again. In other words, REAL action is being taken as a result of my letter, and I'm very pleased.



The Green Cedar said...

Woo hoo! Rock 'em. Sock 'em. Get things done, warrior woman!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic news! Sounds like the entire team will be brushing up on their manners. Way to go for making a difference (again) for so many people!
