Monday, August 01, 2005

(Sigh) Monday

Today Ryan is struggling. Thank you for including him in your thoughts and prayers. I will respect his privacy by leaving my note about him at this brief level, but know that his needs are utmost in my mind right now and that any extra strength you have should be sent his direction.

I had a restless night from, err, ummm, digestive issues. No nausea, but I'll leave it at that lest anyone feel ill from reading my reports! Today I am doing better and things seem to be working better in my system.

Before Ryan came home today, Tessa, Caley & I met up with Molly and picked up Tessa's new bed. Molly had read my note about thinking about a big-girl bed for Tessa, and since her daughter Ellie is moving into a double bed, she passed along Ellie's twin. My parents met us to do the heavy lifting, and later this week they'll bring the bed to our house to set it up. Tessa is VERY excited for her new, big-girl bed - it's a simple pine four-poster with a heart cut-out, and Tessa can't wait to sleep in it. These small joys bring great light to our hearts on days that seem otherwise dark and dreary in the face of all that we are enduring...our daughter is a beacon of joy to guide us through the darkness, and I adore her.

Many thanks today to Molly for the bed, and to Grammy & Grandpa for picking it up for us, and to Caley for being the glue that has held me together. Special thoughts today to my new friend Susan, who found out her course of treatment today.

With love,


*susan* said...

A new bed for Tessa? How absolutely wonderful. What a lucky girl she is. Thanks for the good thoughts.... needless to say they are being sent right back in your direction, double fold.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristina,

You guys are all in our prayers. I have been thinking a lot about you the past few days. I wanted to thank you so much for being so open about your cancer journey. It's been very helpful to know how each step of the journey has affected you emotionally. My brother recently found a lump in his testicle, and is having a lot of the same feelings you were having when you first found your lump. Knowing what you went through, how you were feeling, I think has made me even more empathetic to what he is going through.

So neat Tessa has a new bed. We are just about to do that with our little one!

Sending lots of healing prayers up for you and Ryan.

Maegan (squid) from Ovusoft.