Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wigs, headaches

Today I bought TWO wigs. One is an "everyday" one - when I'm a "preschool mom" I'll wear it, and when I've decided not to shock the grocery store clerk, etc. It's cute, above the shoulders, and I like it. The other is my "sexy" wig - loads and loads of pretty long hair, more the way I'd wear my hair if it grew in thick and luscious, not at all "practical" and perfect for going on dates with Ryan or girls' nights where I want to feel pretty. I'm satisfied with my choices. I have one now (the other is on order in the right color - "ginger brown" - and will be in on Tuesday) and modeled it for Tessa & Caley. Tessa looked quite startled at first, but I let her try it on and she smiled and laughed and liked it. I hope this is a good transition for her....I couldn't bear to have my baby cry when she saw me post-shaving.

Unrelated to the headaches just don't go away. I got a headache with the chemo drip on Wednesday, and it hasn't gone away. It ebbs and flows, but it never disappears. Today it is like a vice grip on my head - it's hard to think, the sunlight hurts, and Tessa's "excited voice" about sends me over the edge. I called the doctor,and she prescribed 4x the usual Motrin dosage, with a note to call her tomorrow if it doesn't work. I pray that it does because I want to curl up in a dark hole right now, and that's no way to live.



Anonymous said...

Kristina, I hope the headaches improve from here on out and I'm excited to see the wigs! Take good care, Heather

The Green Cedar said...

Absolutely no fun. Here's to the Motrin doing the trick... You're in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

OK - from your "medical" sure to take all that Motrin with plenty in your stomach. It can be pretty corrosive otherwise. Can't wait to see the wigs! Libby