Saturday, August 06, 2005


Well friends, the deed is done. Like many things in this journey, going bald wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. I can do this.

Accompanying me today were my handsome husband, beautiful daughter, and incredible friends: Susan, Michele, Lori, Susie, Heather, Holly. My stylist, Krista, was sweet and kind, and her nervousness (she's never done this before either) was perfect... she was an important part of the day and I'm grateful that she handled it with grace and friendship. She has a customer for LIFE...I joked with her that she had better not move out of state because my flight bills would be too much to handle. :-)

I am bald. Actually, I have velcro-head, and later today Ryan will take a razor and shave it smooth. It turns out that I did have a couple of little bald spots at the back, so I wasn't being premature in shaving it after all. In any case, I am glad that it is done.

There was no doubt in my head that I wanted to walk out of the salon wearing the wig. I am not ready for hats and scarves. My first words when I saw my bald self were, "I have cancer" (this was accompanied by tears). You know this, I know this, but seeing my bald self was a real reminder of that. The wig makes me feel like I'm tricking cancer right now. It's itchy and I'm sure I'll go bald soon enough, but right now the wig makes me feel pretty, and I could stand to feel pretty.

Susan took lots of photos, and she will send them to me today, and I'll upload them.

I will also post more of my thoughts on the subject...what it felt like, what my reflections are...but I need to process the experience first. I feel emotionally exhausted. Today was an important step. I'm glad that I should never have to do it again.

With love,


Anonymous said...

That must have been one full salon! Cannot wait to see the photos... Hope you make it to the pool today. Thinking of you and sending lots of courage energy your way.

Love, Corina

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, you ARE pretty. Hair or the lack thereof isn't going to change that. I'm looking forward to admiring your new look.