Tuesday, June 21, 2005

With a new day comes a better mood

Good morning, all. I trust that the day finds you in great spirits!

Today I woke refreshed and ready to face the day. Yesterday was a hard day - perhaps I harbored a secret wish that the new pathology report would reveal that I was cancer free, and though that's foolish the slightly more negative news was a hard pill to swallow. Today, I'm starting fresh.

Screw the statistics. I'm going to beat this thing, and I can't wait to get started with the next step. I can't wait to go to cancer support groups as a guest speaker, telling other young women that I made it and they can, too. In my mind, I'm already there, setting fundraising records for breast cancer research, and inspiring newly diagnosed women. I'm also picturing Tessa's wedding day (I'll be the one crying happy tears) and I'm picturing Ryan and I in Tuscany, sipping Brunello de Montalcino on the porch of a villa as we celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. And our 60th. And maybe our 70th (although maybe we'll have our 70th at the Stephanie Inn at Cannon Beach - we can decide later!).

Between now and then, there is a lot of work to do, and a lot of play to do, as well. I am working at healing and doing my post-surgery exercises; I am playing with Tessa and looking forward to PEPS at our home this morning. The sun is shining, my husband loves me, my daughter is an inspiration, and the support of those around me is like nothing I've ever experienced before. I am blessed!

Wishing you the peace of knowing how YOU are blessed,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you (((hugs)))...