Thursday, June 09, 2005

Yawnnnnn...a quick message, then bed

Hi all. A VERY quick message because I'm SOOOO tired today. I think my sinus infection and all of the news etc. is catching up with me.

The doctor appointments went well. I am still on for surgery on Monday - I check in at 7am and have a dye injection, then surgery is scheduled for 1:15. Surgery will last 2-3 hours. I expect people to be partying at that time, because we are NOT mourning the loss of a breast, we are celebrating cancer's early removal. I insist. ;-)

I have a while to think about it, but I think that I will electively have the right breast removed when I have reconstructive surgery on the left breast (a year from now). They could reconstruct the right breast at the same time as the left breast, so I'd come out even anyway. There appears to be a 1 in 5 chance (20%) of cancer recurring in the opposite breast even if I don't have the cancer genes, and that is simply too high. I'd rather just get this "torture" over with. This is no time for vanity or false modesty. I want to live to be OLD, and that is that.

I visited the naturopathic oncologist, and the good news is that I am still allowed to have coffee or espresso. Phew! Ryan and I "invested" in a good espresso machine last month, and I would have hated to say goodbye to my morning mocha. I need to give up red meat immediately and throughout the course of treatment, but that will be harder on Ryan than on myself. I'll be giving up red wine (all alcohol but that's the only kind I care about) while on chemo. Anyway, the naturopath was great and she's going to work on keeping my immune system going and keeping my symptoms down. I may be trying accupuncture and other alternative measures as a means of controlling fatigue, nausea, and other unfortunate chemo side effects.

I'm grateful to be going forward with the surgery. I want this thing done, and every day of treatment is a day closer to my final result of good health.

More tomorrow - I'm too tired to think.

With love,


Miss M said...

Hey Kristina.

I read your news a few days ago, and I am sorry to hear that your world is turned up side down.

I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and Tessa, and wish you well with your treatments.

Much Love,


Anonymous said...

Hello my dear,
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. Just read all about the naturo-oncologist(sp?)visit and wanted to share some info. My girlfriend Annette was here to visit today and I shared what was happening,(another person to think of and pray for your complete recovery!) and she too has just had a friend go through this. After her first course of chemo she felt quite depleated and as she was about to start her next course, she sought the advice of a naturopath to help with the symptoms. She drank a fruit juice called Mangosteen and remained almost symptom free throughout the rest of her treatments. She did lose her hair, but she had almost no nausea, her fatigue was greatly lessened and she said she just all around felt more like normal. I don't know if it could have the same result for you, but felt it worth mentioning, possibly for you to discuss it with your naturo. If this is at all intrusive, or too forward please let me know and I will keep my comments to myself, I would hate to know that you have received hundreds of e-mails from every Tom, Dick and Harry with the miracle cure for cancer. I love you and care about you and your family and will continue my prayers for a victorious outcome,