Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Test results...these are ALL good, right?

Hello, all. I hope you're having a great day. Tessa and I are doing pretty well - Tessa and Caley are playing and bonding as I write this and I just feel great knowing that Tessa, Ryan and I have Caley in our lives.

I just got off the line with the doctor's office, and got my test results:
1. No problems at all on the bone scan (hurrah!)
2. I have a slight issue of sinusitis right now (big deal....!)
3. The chest X-ray is clear and fine (hurrah!)
4. The CT scan report says "Not a high level of suspicion" but there were a few minor things:
a) the right upper lobe of the lung has a 4mm nodule
b) the right middle lobe of the lung has a 3 mm nodule (both are recommended for a 3 month follow up)
c) the left lateral liver lode has a 3mm hypodense lesion, "too tiny to characterize" (no follow up recommended; I'll ask my surgeon about it anyway)

Of course I quizzed the nurse on point #4. She said that any number of things can show up as small nodules (besides cancer), including scar tissue, incorrect reading, or something that is normal and can fade. She kept saying "there isn't a high level of suspicion, they really aren't very concerned." I will talk to the doc to make sure that *I* shouldn't be concerned, but it tentatively looks like this cancer has not moved into the rest of my body. I find it encouraging that these small nodules are on my right side, since it's my left breast that has cancer and NOT the right, and I hope and pray that they are, indeed, "nothing".

I won't have anything to report tomorrow; my next appointment is on Thursday (two appointments: one with the surgeon, one with the naturopathic oncologist) and I'll update you then. Thank you for your continued love and support!Love,

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