Friday, October 17, 2008

Tessa update

Well, our little bouncy girl is alternately bouncy and fatigued. I thought she was quite well, and while I was chatting on the phone with Grammy she about drove me nuts following me around and being loud and goofy....but then the Tylenol wore off and she started feeling crummy. She (by her own choosing) is back in bed, has had a throat lozenge, and she's getting rest.

We did do hair - my hair currently holds every single barrette that Tessa owns. (It's impressive, if I may say so myself.) We went through the attic, organizing things, getting rid of yet more stuff, and taking out Tessa's snow-stuff to see if it fits (boots: no; hats, no; gloves/mittens: no; pants: maybe; jacket: yes....thank goodness it was a bit big last year!). I vacuumed up and down, and we cleaned up Tessa's room together.

And I will not tell you how many chocolate chip cookies I've eaten today, or you will think that I have absolutely no willpower.

Anyway, a sick day for a minor illness (and I do thank God it's minor) is a small blessing. I wouldn't wish Tessa to feel crummy, but we've been chatting, we had lunch together (she was hungry but didn't eat much), and we've been playing. I like just being with her....

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