Monday, May 05, 2008

Busy but slow

Every minute is filled, but I have promised not to be so rushed. This is an interesting juxtaposition - I wish to live my life to the fullest, not wasting a minute....but as our friend Paul says, "I refuse to live my life in 15 minute increments." I am trying to do what is important, to slow down, to enjoy it or do it well, as the case may be.

Today we had a morning of chores, including planting several more rows in the garden (now we have spinach, golden beets, and radishes to add to our list), and then we had playdates. Zoe came with us, and I watched Camille (who napped for a good deal of the time) at Heather's, and while Zoe & Tessa played I did menu planning, caught up on my snail-mail, etc. Then, some errands including grocery shopping, then we dinner with Ryan. Overall, a lovely day.

And my "allergies" if that is what they are have kicked in BIG time tonight. Argh. Off to bed for me!

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