Thursday, September 01, 2005


The thing about chemo that most people think of, I think, is that people on chemo (in addition to being bald) spend most of their time laying down, hopefully not throwing up, but lounging in pajamas day and night and not moving much as they deal with the ill effects on their bodies. This, at least, is what I envisioned when I thought of myself on chemo. I thought I'd be trying to nibble on crackers while I lay in bed a lot of the time, watching television or something, and hoping that Tessa wouldn't mind if we just read stories all day.

For me, nothing could be further from the truth, though of course I don't have to tell you that if you read this blog regularly! Chemo has certainly slowed me down, but bed is the last place you'll find me, except during the usual hours (from about 10pm to 6am on most days). I'm not doing any marathons, but I'm not in my pajamas, either.

Except today, it's 10:04, and I'm still in my pajamas. I've been online looking at salad plates (my friend Susan L. is looking for some and I've joined the online search just for the heck of it), I've sent some email, looked at some websites, and now I'm updating here. It feels decadent! Ryan took Tessa to Grammy's, and Tessa and Grammy will have the usually wonderful time of going to Wiggle Worms class, visitng the pet store, having Chinese food with Grandpa, playing with Caleb and Mike, and all the rest. I have done laundry, and unloaded the dishwasher, and I have a list as long as my arm of things I could or should do (some of which I will actually do, I swear!) but right now I'm being a bum and enjoying it.

I don't want to slow down to a pajama pace for long - it makes me feel ill just to think of it - but I do appreciate the opportunity to slow down sometimes when I need it. I feel lucky that I'm able to do so today.

I hope that you get some down time today, too.


Anonymous said...

Doing what Kristina does...enjoy the PJ's while they're on. Love the way you do everything in your Kristina way. It just plain tickles me.

Anonymous said...

I love that you've been looking at salad plates with me. Thank you! Glad you are having a good/relaxing day. I'm about to run some errands myself (and maybe look at some plates!).
