Monday, August 29, 2005

The weekend

Good morning, everyone.

I just realized that I haven't posted in two days, but all is well here. We have simply been too busy to get online too much!

The weekend was a combination of visitors (Mom & Dad S. came to visit), manicure-pedicures (thanks, Ryan!), visit to the Farmer's Market, a trip to Lincoln Park, a visit with Marisa & Max, a family meal with the Dahl clan, and lots more. Ryan even squeezed in a 33 mile bike ride and a hair cut... I promise I don't ignore him entirely! :-) Yesterday, Michele & Dave came over and Michele & I made an Asian feast for dinner, with the most delicious won ton soup I've had in years alongside some fresh and delightful sushi.

In short? The weekend was filled with normal things that we'd do before cancer. And that actually, seems like the most progress we've made in a long, long time. My energy levels aren't close to what they were, but it feels SO good to just do "normal" things without arranging everything around cancer. This is good timing - we only have 'til Wednesday with Caley and she's actually out sick today, so it's a good thing that I'm getting y act together now.

This weekend I also met Emily, who lives in West Seattle and also has breast cancer. She's going in to surgery today, so she is particularly in my thoughts. I tried to coach her that it will all be okay, as it was for me in my surgery, but the only thing that can truly make a person believe that is experiencing it themselves, and I feel for Emily as she faces her surgery.

In health news, Saturday night was my roughest night since chemo. I felt more nauseaus, and my blood felt just absolutely poisoned (ugh). This, I believe, is the cumulative effect I've heard about. I went to bed early despite having guests, and I took my meds, and these things seem to have helped...thank goodness. The worst effect is that I now dread my 4th AC treatment, but I will survive, and, after all, there is only one more before I switch to my weekly Taxol.

This weekend we got the frightening phone call that our dear friend Paul, while on a ride with Libby & Kent, crashed on his bike and actually had to be taken via ambulance to the hospital. He has a broken scapula (shoulderblade) and is in for some painful, uncomfortable recovery, but we are so grateful that he is not further hurt. Paul, we're thinking of you! You are, as always (but more than ever) in our thoughts and prayers.

With love to all,


Anonymous said...

One more AC - yea! Glad to hear the anti-nausea drugs work. Paul update - he's doing really well, all things considered. It was great to have my sister, Joy here this weekend. Not a great vacation for her but great to have her support and help as well as the phone calls and visits from friends and family. We go to the ortho guy tomorrow for treatment plan. Libby

Anonymous said...

But I HATE it that you will dread the next AC. Down with the ECH, who will be first against the wall when the FOD day comes!