Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tuesday's appointments

Today I had three doctor's appointments:

1. With my naturopath. Interestingly, she's the member of the team I feel the least connection to, which is the opposite of how I thought I'd feel. She's nice, and professional, and I don't have any complaints...but I just don't feel a connection. Anyway, this was a follow up visit with her. The hardest advice I have to follow is to get 8-10 hours of sleep daily. I have insomnia, and I'm terrible at napping, and she says "No wonder you're so tired!" She officiall called me a Super-Over-Achiever....is this a compliment? LOL She is pleased with how well I'm doing, though, so that is nice. She's added glucosamine to my vitamin regimin, as it might help with the neuropathy that is sometimes part of chemo (numbness in fingers, toes, etc.).

2. For a thyroid ultrasound. I've taken replacement thyroid hormones (Synthroid) since 1989 for hypothyroidism - a relatively commonplace problem that is completely controlable through a pill a day for the rest of my life. At my OB's physical, she noticed I had a little node that she could feel, so off to the ultrasound I went. In this case, they could read the results immediately, and all is well....my thyroid looks like it should for having been on Synthroid, and nothing else to report. Phew.

3. For a DEXA (bone density scan). As I mentioned before, my regular (not density) bone scan showed "dengeneration bilaterally in the hips" and this is cause for concern for osteoperosis or arthritis. This test will let us know...no results yet.

This morning was a lovely PEPS meeting, and the girls presented me with three great hats. I got tearful....the hats are lovely, but the women are even lovelier. I am blessed.

After the docs, Holly & Daven came over for a little visit and catch up, and it was good to see them. They're part of our regular routine and it's nice to have that routine.

My fatigue is improving - I did finally sleep last night - and I'm optimistic that tomorrow will be even easier. With Caley here, I had lots of help today, and that helped too.

Love to all - my handsome husband is home and it's time to eat the yummy dinner that Beth O. brought by yesterday (when we actually went out because our house was SO hot!). Thank you, Beth!

Love to all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristina,

I just wanted to let you know I volunteered as a nurse for the weekend to end breast cancer walk this past weekend in Calgary. I kept you in mind and when people asked me who inspired me to be there I said you! You are an inspiration, I hope you never doubt that for a second. I want you to have hope, and continue your courageous battle with the grace you have shown. Take care and keep your journal going, I think it's more therapeutic than you think. It also makes me feel closer to you!
