Friday, August 19, 2005

CA 27.29 and Great News

CA 27.29 is a cancer marker (CA is "cancer antigen") that shows up in the blood. For those of you with photographic memories, you may recall that the usual healthy range is 38 and below, and mine was 44.4 when I was first tested, at the time of my diagnosis, and before my mastectomy. Well, today, when calling to ask my oncologist a few questions and follow up on my DEXA scan (no results yet), I asked about CA 27.29 and if it had been tested again, and what the results were.

Oncologist's Nurse: "Your CA 27.29 levels are normal, and have been since July."
Me: "What? You mean I'm cancer free????"
Oncologist's Nurse: "You're a survivor!"

This is very exciting, celebratory news. My body is not registering that it has cancer any more, and I hope and pray that any stray cancer cells are being nuked by the chemo, never to recur.

I am aware that breast cancer is considered a chronic disease, and that I will need testing for the rest of my life (MRIs, bone scans, etc.) to make sure that we don't let anything go undetected for too long. Sometimes people go years with no signs, and then go in for a test, only to find metastatic cancer. Those are the thoughts that keep me up at night, of course, but they're the same thoughts that I refuse to dwell on.

Today, I am dwelling on the very real possibility that when I say I'm cancer free, I am telling the truth. Break out the champagne!!


PS Okay, save the champagne because I've lost my taste for alcohol while on chemo....! I'll have a sparkling water in a fancy glass, instead. :-)


*susan* said...

YEA YEA YEA!!!! What you drink isn't important... what you are thinking about while you do the drinking is.

Enjoy this day of celebration!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic news!!! I am celebrating with you but, in my case, with a glass of Sumac Ridge dry Riesling - sp? (I really, really recommend this when you're ready).

Sending my love and a slight buzzz..


Anonymous said...

Hey Kristina, it's Carolyn's friend Melissa....I have been a DAILY reader of your blog since Carolyn told me about it, but what can I say, I've just been lurking! With this news, I have to do more than lurk! are kicking cancer's butt!! I'm raising a San Pellegrino in your honor and keeping the positive thoughts coming!

Anonymous said...

I keep telling people that God is still in the miracle-making business :) This is fantastic news, Kristina! I'm so thrilled for you and your family :)


Sarah said...

That's great news! I celebrated with a bean burrito with sour cream (the only thing I could stomach during chemo)!


The Green Cedar said...

Hey, girlfriend--
We can celebrate early or late. Woo hoo!!