Sunday, April 05, 2009

One choice at a time

It's hard work, losing weight, because it's not about one choice (to lose weight), it's about a million little choices. Not just what to have for breakfast, but how much to have, and some of this, but not that, and these but not those, and this treat, but not that one.

I did okay today. I was craving hamburgers fresh from the grill today - 70 degrees out! - but made some decent choices about them. I made my own hamburger buns using 100% whole wheat. I measured out the meat into 1/4 pound patties (4 ounces). I chose lean meat. Everyone else had cheese, but I did not. I made a potato salad recipe that had a vinegrette dressing instead of mayo (and delicious - lots of fresh herbs, reduced wine, whole grain mustard...). I made salad and had extra portions.

A million little choices. Only a tiny bit of mayo on the burger, no second helping of potato salad, go for an extra green salad instead....

I'm going to lose weight by a million little choices at a time,a dn this is what I need to keep reminding myself. I've now been on WW for a week, and so tomorrow morning I will weigh myself, fingers crossed for good results. I will attend my first meeting on Wednesday night,a nd they'll log my weight there, too.

Bit by bit, inch by inch....


Sue said...

Good job, WW buddy! For me, I have to remember that one of those little choices can't be "well, you screwed up, so you might as well call it a day and start again tomorrow."

We have to keep reminding ourselves that this is a lifestyle change. We CAN do it and we WILL do it. We're changing a lifetime of habits, and it ain't gonna happen overnight. At least for me it won't. But we can keep on marching along! It's nice to know I'm not doing it alone.

Kristina said...

I lost .4 pounds. Big whoop. :-( It's disappointing, but despite eating a piece of warm chocolate bundt cake tonight, I'm on plan (and wrote that down)....

We can do this. We can!!!!