Friday, February 15, 2008

small victories

Here is a small step for the environment, my pocketbook, and anti-clutter: the library.

I just went online and placed holds on a dozen books....about organic vegetable gardening in Seattle, guinea pigs (Tessa's preschool got one and Tessa was selected to name it: the chosen name is Buttercup and I have to say, she's really cute for a rodent!), parenting, voluntary simplicity....

This will not create clutter in my home. It doesn't cost a thing. Because the books are shared among many people, it's better for the environment.

I LOVE buying books. But if I borrowed more, it would be better. I get to read them. I get to return them. If I need them after I read them, I could still buy them (for example, if the weekly garden planner is excellent, maybe that would be a good choice). It's a no risk proposition, and I like that.

If I walk to the library, it would be perfect.

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