Sunday, August 21, 2005


At this moment, Tessa is not napping in her room...I believe that today is a quiet time day. Ah well...

We've had a busy morning. Ryan got up before me at the crack of dawn to get on his bike (and get on the roads before they got busy), and I woke up before Tessa at 6:30am. I read in bed until 7am when she woke up, and then we had a light bite to eat and got dressed, leaving the house by 8am. I loaded Tessa into the baby jogger, and took a brisk walk with her to the grocery store to pick up a few things (I've decided that it's high time I started cooking again - I can not rely on the generousity of friends forever), about a two mile round trip. When we got back, Ryan was home, and I made us french toast, sausages, and sides of fruit (with a mocha for Ryan, but not for me, because I am "off" coffee these days). It was great - classical music, good food, and I felt like, even at the early hour, I'd accomplished something.

After breakfast and showers, we loaded into the car "for an adventure." We first went to SuperGo, to drop Ryan off to look at some bike stuff and to get his bike wheel fixed (he broke a spoke). While he did that, Tessa and I went next-door to Half Price Books, and found her a couple of cute books (and spent time reading many more) to take home. Then we all met up again, and went to the UW campus just for the sake of walking around and enjoying the campus. It was Tessa's first time there, and I have no idea what she thought of the beautiful architecture and landscaping, but I am certain that she liked the squirrels and the fact that, with no students there now, we could let her run wild around campus - lots of grass and footpaths, nothing to hurt her, so we let her lead the way. We walked through the quad and I pointed out various buildings and talked about the classes I'd taken there to Ryan, and we walked down my memory lane. (I should add, for those who know the campus, that we walked about 1/20th of it with Tessa...this was just a taste!)

After the UW, we went to U Village because there is a Barnes and Noble there, and Ryan and I each had gift certificates. (By mid-autumn there will be a Barnes and Noble just a couple of miles from us - it's under construction - but until then we must drive. I'd prefer a great independent bookstore but I have to admit that I do like Barnes and Noble, even if they are the downfall of civilization as we know it...!) We took turns - Tessa played on the play structure outside with Ryan while I shopped, and then Ryan shopped while Tessa and I read stories in the children's section.

It was a great morning, but up popped and evil headache, and on the car ride home I was silent...ugh. A big glass of water and two Motrin later it's much better, thank goodness.

Tonight we have no plans, which is lovely. I do, however, plan to cook dinner...something I'm trying to do much more often now. Susie made a fabulous pototo salad (roasted baby potatoes, sour cream, basil, and roasted garlic...soooo delicious!) at a recent BBQ, so I got her recipe, and I'm considering it the centerpiece of the meal. I am also making insalata caprese (we eat it all summer - I just love it), wild sockeye salmon (grilled), and broccoli, but the meal is planned around the potato salad. Yummm yummm.

I hope that your Sundays are going as well...minus the headache, of course!



Anonymous said...

Kristina: You "sound" stronger and forward moving. I left a couple big bottles of Motrin for Paul to give to Ryan Tuesday AM when they ride together. I'm in NYC - very hot here - 97 when I got in. I continue to pray for you every time I see our bracelet (many times/day). Missing you. Paul is on an antibiotic and pretty well over the sinus/cold thing. I'm well - so hopefully, we can see you soon. Love, Libby

Anonymous said...

Thank you for touching my life in so many ways. I hadn't read your blog since Friday and tonight as I prepare for bed I am reminded of your strength but also that you are very human with very real fears. As much as you want to drop your cancer "membership" I want you to leave it. I look forward to seeing you triumph in this long long journey. You are going to kick it's butt and you will help, support, impact so many others along the way. I'm so proud of you.

Much love,