Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Off to bed for me

Well, friends, the Evil Cytoxan Headache has returned, and I'm treating it by taking Motrin and going to bed early. Hopefully this will cure it and tomorrow I will be ready to take on the day.

Tomorrow is a special day, because my nephew Joshua Peter will be arriving into the world! Mike & Krystal are scheduled to be at the hospital very early, and my hope is that I will get to meet Joshua and share my love and well wishes with Mike, Krystal, and Caleb (the big brother and also my beloved nephew) around 10am. Hurrah! Much to celebrate.



*susan* said...

Bad cytoxin!

Get some rest, and welcome Jacob into the world. Tessa is a lucky girl to have another cousin to love.

Give the parents my best wishes, and I do hope that the birth is totally uneventful.

Anonymous said...

Kristina, Hopefully the motrin wins the battle with the cytoxan headache and you have a good night's sleep!
Enjoy tomorrow with your new little nephew and family - Heather