Saturday, June 18, 2005

Little victories, little setback

- I have regained enough mobility that today I could put on a T-shirt (this may sound insignificant but trust me, a few days ago there is NO WAY I could have moved my arm up to do this)
- I have regained enough mobility to use both hands to wash my hair
- This morning I had enough energy to go from tide-pool to tide-pool with Tessa, looking at the "creatures" and exploring the beach at low tide

- I am so incredibly tired! I had a nap at 10:40 after this morning's adventures, and I just got up. I anticipate another nap this afternoon, as I am really feeling wiped out.

Ryan is doing double-time on my behalf, taking care of Tessa, and I'm grateful yet sad he can't get more of a break himself. This is not the "me" that I'm used to.

Today when I got out of the shower, Tessa came barging into the bathroom (as she likes to do!). I forgot how different I looked until I saw the look on her face. "Mama has only one nipple!" she said, and I had to gather my wits about me to explain. We have said "the doctors took the cancer out" and "mama has a really big boo-boo" and such things, but we had not said "mama's breast was taken off" yet. Well, today we explained that, and even let her gently touch the bandage. She was very brave, and seemed happy when I told her that the doctors were going to make mama a new breast next year. Our girl is very, very brave.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a message for Ryan,

Do you have any idea how amazing YOU are? The stresses in your life sound enormous (as if having cancer in your life isn't enough, your job takes a twist, too!) I imagine that you are "rolling with the punches," and "taking it all in stride," with your usual grace and charisma. Please know that we send our love and prayers to you, too. You are a pretty fantastic guy and Kristina is lucky to have you as her friend and partner in life. Please take care of you.

Love, Mike and Corina