Monday, June 13, 2005

Surgery Day -- Michele's Update

Hello all! As of 3:30 this afternoon, Kristina is out of surgery and onto recovery. The cancerous lumps are OUT. Susan relays the news that the mastectomy went as expected and, pending further tests, the lymph system appears clear. Hooray! I visited Kristina at Swedish around 10:00 this morning where she was waiting between the dye injection and surgery. Apparently Limbo is a large, curtained hospital ward where partially robed patients, hooked up to IVs, have the pleasure of staring at each other as they nervously await their procedures. I know that I'd like to be in the presence of 8 to 10 strangers, separated only by a thin veil, before facing my major operation. But of course, armed with the book that Heather gave her and with Ryan at her side, Kristina waited graciously. She was in high enough spirits to make funny faces at baby Elliott, although I won't speculate about her true, private thoughts. That is her story to tell. Susan tells me that Kristina's mom, grandmother, father, brother, and friends Paul and Lori were at the hospital waiting with Ryan while Kristina was in surgery. Forgive me if I have left someone out. I know that Kristina and Ryan are very thankful to have Caley in their lives to spend the day and night with Tessa. I heard they were off to Husky Deli at 1o:00 am this morning for ice cream. No wonder Tessa loves Caley! That is all for now. I'll send you more news as I receive it. If you leave a message here, I'll relay it to Kristina at the hospital tonight. Sincerely yours, Michele

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Kristina has been in my thoughts and prayers all day. I'm so gald the surgery went well.