Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Wednesday - finding my groove

Hi, everybody. Just a little update to say that I'm feeling pretty good this morning, and looking forward to a "normal" day with Caley and Tessa. We will go to Marshall's (to buy me some new shirts) and to Jamba Juice (Tessa's favorite destination), and if the weather holds we'll stop by Lincoln Park where I will watch Caley chase Tessa around!

Last night I wore myself out with too much activity, but I don't regret it - I had a wonderful time with friends and family. My parents & Auntie Charlotte came for dinner (Caley stayed, too), and then Holly, Hans & Daven came for a visit and to show us the pictures that Holly took of our family on Saturday. The pictures are GORGEOUS - I really think she did a fabulous job of capturing the essence of our family, and I can't wait to share them with all of you. We'll be making copies for people, so stay tuned...but be patient as we're moving at a slower pace these days.

This afternoon I plan to have a nap. That's rather unusual for me, but unusual times call for unusual responses. To nap mid-day feels extremely decadent to me, but I think it will help me to heal, and I'm all about healing! The sooner I can get this drain out, the better.

Again, I hope for a more thoughtful post some time soon, but right now I just want to enjoy the day with Tessa & Caley. I hope everyone is doing well!


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