Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, Tessa's home sick with a cold, and that's the lemon of it. The lemonade part is that we used this opportunity to make Valentine's together.
Next, she has to write the names of her classmates and friends on them......this is an all day event, perhaps.

It could be worse. MUCH worse. I am grateful for today.
Edited to add:
Tessa is sitting at the kitchen table, carefully going over the list of her classmates and hand choosing each Valentine for them before laboriously writing To: classmate (heart): Tessa on each one. Now that we're in the thick of it, I'm wondering how on earth I thought we could get this done WITHOUT a day at home! This morning I made cookie dough (we were supposed to have PEPS over today and I'd promised Valentine cookies), breakfast, etc., but since then we've been doing the Valentine's non-stop. I cut out the hearts (I didn't count them, but as there are 26 in Tessa's class, and we did a minimum of three hearts per card, well, you get the idea...), Tessa arranged and glued them, and of course she's doing the writing. She has ideas about which ones boys would like ("Boys like blue, Mom, and not so much pink," she tells me), and who would like which patterns.

This is a lot more work than going to Target and buying the Valentine pack like we have done in the past, but infinitely more enjoyable. This year we had all of the supplies on hand, too, so this year it's "free" but we did use up several glue sticks and all of our fancy paper so I don't know if I'd recommend it as a budget activity. The construction paper is cheap, but it's so much more fun with the fancy papers with embossing or printed with flowers or lined with sparkles, etc.
Today, I missed covenant group, physical therapy, and our PEPS Valentine's gathering. Still, it seems like a good day. Tessa sniffles nonstop and occassionally lets out a big cough, but she's happy enough. I cleaned the house quite a bit yesterday, so it's relatively pleasant to be here, and less cluttered than usual. (Hey, I thought PEPS was coming....maybe if I had them over more often I'd do a deeper cleaning more often!)
I'm coming out of my frugal funk. To do so, I listened to more Dave Ramsey podcasts, as well as the Debt Free podcast. I cleaned the house, moving some things around and getting rid of some things, so that it feels fresher. (What IS it about Goddard* women and moving furniture? My mom does the same thing, and whenever we're in a funk about something we move furniture around and feel much better. Strange, I know.) I made a great chicken noodle soup last night in honor of Tessa's cold, and my family didn't notice how little chicken was in it compared to the quantity of veggies and noodles. I saved the chicken bones in the freezer for making a stock the next time, and felt pleased with myself for remembering to do so. Last night, Ryan and I watched "Juno" on DVD, borrowed from the library, and had an at-home date night. (Am I the last person in America to see it? It was as good as I'd been told.) I made bread and granola, so the house smells good.
I read poetry. (Nikki Giovanni's "Bicycles" collection.) Yesterday I did yoga (another library DVD). I put a new library book by Sherman Alexie next to my bed (but didn't read it because I fell asleep!).
So with all that, I distracted myself out of my funk....somewhat. I guess it helps today to be home with a sick kid - I'm not even tempted to go out and buy anything. ;-)

Though I would love to get out for a walk/run with the dog, and touch me feet onto the beach. That would help, too.

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