Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fakin' it and Makin' It

This morning Tessa and I went back to Bellevue, this time to meet Caley for a coffee date. Caley and I talked and Tessa was a dream, reading her books and drawing and allowing us to catch up. Then, when Caley left for an appointment, Tessa and I lunched with Molly and caught up with her. Now we're home, and I'm cleaning - this place needs a good scrub and the laundry needs folding.

Oh - and I found a great belt to go with my black dress, for $1.50 on sale at the thrift shop.

I have not forgotten my fears. I have not forgotten about Mama Cath. But what can I do? So I hug Tessa, visit with friends, buy a belt, clean my house.

To some degree, it works. It's distracting, and that's good. It certainly doesn't make me forget, but it tempers the pain, and that is excellent.

So here I am, muddling through. Learning. Growing. Growing pains are harder than I remembered.

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