Monday, June 11, 2007


On Thursday, I have to spend the day in Cancerland.

My schedule on Thursday is:
8:40am Rinn (oncologist)
9am Herceptin
11:45am MUGA
1pm MRI
3:45pm physical therapy
8pm-10pm Cancer Focus Group

Dr. Rinn will be discussing my cholesterol (climbing, probably a side effect of the drugs), my thyroid (out of whack again), and my horrible side effects (Aleve does not relieve my aches and pains, which are getting worse; the menopausal symptoms are horrid, too). Herceptin means needles and an IV which hurts now that I don't have a port; it also means spending time in the chemo ward which is not the most fun place in the world. The MUGA tests to make sure I'm not experiencing early heart failure. The MRI is looking for cancer in my body; I have several lumps in my left breast that are likely leftovers from reconstruction (the edge of the implant, etc.) but we need to be sure. The MRI is a claustrophobic tube with noise as loud as a jet, and I had a dreadful experience when I did it last (two years ago). Because of my recon I haven't done an MRI since my diagnosis, and I'm terrified at what it might find. Physical therapy will actually be a treat because Adrienne is wonderful and can do accupressure and massage to relieve my aches and pains, and she's a joy to be with....I will need her at the end of those other appointments. Then, to earn some extra $, I'm going to a focus group about a breast cancer website at the end of the day. Let's hope that they don't ask me too many intellectual questions at that point!

I hate Cancerland. I like the days where I go to the park with Tessa and her friends much better.

All this makes me want to take a nap while I'm thinking of it. :-(


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