Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oncologist appointment

Today I met with Dr. Rinn to discuss my joint pain and fatigue.

I've crossed lines; the quality of life is being impacted. My fingers don't work the way they're supposed to sometimes, and this is frustrating. I can type well, but it's hard to hold a pen and to write. This morning I couldn't push the button on the coffee pot to release the coffee, and I ended up having to take the lid off to get my cuppa Joe. This is relatively new, but unacceptable.

It's probably the Femara.

I have agreed to switch to another AI, Aromosin (Aromasin?).

Hopefully both the fatigue and the joint pain will improve. I could go to bed at 7 every night and not feel rested, and that's REALLY old. And who can go to bed that early? My productive time used to be from 8-11pm, and if I lose that time it's usually my only "me" time in the whole day.

I'm also getting blood work done to test for arthritis. It runs in the family, and the symptoms are the same.

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