Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Being healthy

Now that I'm feeling relatively good, I'm ready to work at really being healthy again. My pants are telling me that the "I deserve a scone because I'm about to have surgery/having surgery/just had surgery" attitude did not pay off, and I'm ready to work on being well again.

Time for the gym; time for Pilates (argh!); time for outdoor runs. And time, I'm afraid, to kiss the scones goodbye. It's worth it, though: Hawaii (and my bikini!) calls to me, and I am determined to enjoy my time on the beach feeling unselfconscious, kissed by the sun, admired by my husband. :-) (To Ryan's credit, he is always super kind about my weight, and always tells me that I'm beautiful....but I know the difference so I want to make sure that I EARN his admiration, not just get it because he has to. :-) )

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