Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Off to the spa!

In a few minutes I'm leaving for The Salish to experience a day/night of pampering. Ryan got me a lovely package that includes an overnight and spa treatments, and I can't wait. My parents are watching Tessa (thanks, Mom & Dad) and Ryan will join me later in the evening...hurrah! (Thank you, Ryan, for your loving gift.)

Today is my brother's 30th birthday. I can not believe that my "kid" brother is now in his thirties, as somewhere in my head he's still about twelve years old. However, despite my twisted sense of time, Mike has indeed grown to be a kind, generous man and a devoted husband and father...and he is, indeed, thirty. Happy birthday, Mike. You'll always be "the kid" to me, but I certainly respect the person that you have become.

I have so much to blog that I haven't made time for - Christmas, New Year's, and the day to day, as well as my thoughts as I recover from chemo. These things will have to wait another day, however...and I'm off to the spa!


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