Thursday, January 03, 2008

I do not recommend this diet plan

I'm not talking about Weight Watchers - that's a great plan.

I'm talking about the plan I stumbled upon yesterday. It involved eating a sandwich that might have been tainted with something (?) and then throwing up half the night. YUCK! Thankfully, I feel somewhat human again today, but that was a real drag.

The only good news? I lost two pounds yesterday "without trying." This puts me at four pounds over my goal, which is closer than I've been in some time (maybe a year....?!). I suspect that by Valentine's Day all of my clothes will, once again, fit me the way I want them to. Wahoo!

Last night's experience made me very grateful for the fabulous anti-emetics that were available to me during chemo. I absolutely loathe throwing up - I mean, nobody likes it, but I'm practically phobic about it - and last night's experience made me even more grateful that I never threw up during chemo.

1 comment:

Enneagram Zoom said...

I believe that with the right diet plan anyone can get and stay slim. The trick is to find a diet that works for you and one that you stick with. Good luck in your endeavor. I've lost 10 pounds so far. Yeah!1