Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Today Susan from Boston emailed me to say that radiation isn't a straight line in terms of fatigue - that I might have two tired days followed by a week of energetic ones. This is the best possible news! Thank you, Susan, for giving me back some hope.

Here's a tidbit to make you laugh: Last night, as I went to put on my prescription Biofine cream (which should help with the skin degradation caused by radiation - I use it 3x/day), I noticed a minty smell. Yes, that's right folks, I was rubbing Tom's of Maine spearmint toothpaste all over my radiated chest. ACK! I quickly washed it off and replaced it with the intended product. I'm guessing that Tom's of Maine will not help my skin, but I guess we'll find out.

Today my radiated skin is pink, and I can see the exact outline of the radiated area. I've been at it for a week, and I had heard that at this point in treatment a lot of people have real skin problems, so I feel good about where I'm at. (And I have no idea if it's pink because I rubbed toothpaste on it last night, or because of the radiation. Time will tell!)


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