Here is an email that we are about to send out to friends and family. We are posting it here as well in the hopes of reaching as many people as possible.
Thank you for considering a donation to the LAF. Let's kick cancer's butt! :-)
To donate, go to my personal fundraising page:
Ryan's LAF Page-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
As Kristina has mentioned on the blog, we (Ryan and Kristina) are committed to doing some major fundraising for cancer research. Within the next year, there are two major events that we plan to complete: Ryan will do the Portland ride for the Lance Armstrong foundation (what this email is about), and then in summer of 2006, Kristina will do a three day, sixty mile walk for the Susan G. Komen foundation.
Please consider digging deeply to support either or both of these causes. We have chosen to support the Lance Armstrong foundation for many reasons:
1) The Lance Amrstrong Foundation has donated millions of dollars to cancer research.
2) Lance is an incredible inspiration to all cancer survivors. He beat incredible odds, and his story gives Kristina great comfort and strength.
3) Cycling is Ryan's passion, and this is a good way to put that passion to use.
Please consider this: 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. That is simply too many. Everyone we know has been touched by cancer in some way: either through experiencing it themselves, or by loving someone who has had cancer. This miserable disease can be cured, but it takes money to find a cure. In the past decades we've made incredible strides, and survival rates are so much better than they were...but we have a long way to go.
Please consider making a generous donation to the Lance Armstrong Foundation to help find a cure. Please also consider forwarding this message to your friends and asking them to donate, too. We are at the beginning of our journey, and we have a lot to learn, but we know this: we can make a difference. Thank you for being a part of that difference. Let's find a cure!
With Love,
Ryan and Kristina
More information below:
Join me in supporting the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) to help people with cancer live strong!
Along with other cyclists, cancer survivors and their loved ones, I am raising funds and awareness for the LAF and Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Cancer Institute to help people with cancer live strong. Together, we will celebrate our efforts at the LIVESTRONG Ride Portland on September 25, 2005.
Funds raised through the LIVESTRONG Ride will support the LAF's advocacy, education, public health and research programs. In addition, a portion of the funds raised through the LIVESTRONG Ride will support cancer survivorship activities at the OHSU Cancer Institute.
Founded in 1997 by cancer survivor and champion cyclist Lance Armstrong, the LAF believes that in the battle with cancer, unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything. From the moment of diagnosis, the LAF provides the practical information and tools people with cancer need to live strong.
Every dollar makes a difference in helping countless cancer survivors around the world. Thank you for your support.
Live strong!
To donate, go to my
personal fundraising page:
Ryan Surface