Today Tessa and I got our hair cut. Tessa's was just a trim, but I decided to do something unusual since I'll probably only have this cut for about 3 weeks before I lose all my hair to chemo. I went with bangs - something I haven't done since I was about 21 years old!
My stylist, Krista at Salon Ef-fekts (just a couple of blocks from our house), is fabulous. She really talked about what a fun time we'll have as I grow out my hair after chemo, and all the short styles I'll be able to experiment with....she made me feel like this was going to be fun. I know that there will be heartache when I lose my hair (which she has agreed to shave my head on short notice when I call her - apparently it hurts when the hair starts to fall out so I'll know when it's time) but I loved her attitude of "wow we'll have all kinds of opportunities to try out different styles and you will look so cute!" This is the kind of person I need in my life. I feel that she will probably cry with me when my head is shaved, and I will need that, too.
OH its so cute! Actually to be honest losing the hair isnt such a big deal.....for me it was the eyelashes!!! BUT they grow back longer too! You will lose ALL your hair (everywhere) and you will love it! And your skin will look like beautiful movie star skin, due to the anti inflammatory agents in the chemo drugs. You probably will want to cut it again before you start losing it....I'd say a nice little buzz (look on the Boobee site under the main photo area and you'll see a picture of me with a little boy - that was my pre-chemo cut) Also, It will acclimate Tessa to the total loss, which will be NO big deal for her at all. When my hair started to release, it came it in little chunks. My kids pulled it out like monkeys. Then we got some electrical tape and did it that way too. Once I was full bald, I let them draw all over my head with washable crayola markers. They drew brains, and wires and all kinds of stuff. ANd they wiped it off with baby wipes and started all over! To make the BIG buzz less dramatic, I recommend you do it at your cancer center. They are very matter of fact and wont make it a big deal......your hair will start to release about 13 days after your first infusion.....but this is just a small thing...and you wont look in the mirror and see anything but a real warrior! Again, I think your new cut is really great and you're just gonna do great! The Boobees love you!
Great haircut, Kristina! You and your stylist are going to have a great time experimenting. As another undaventurous hair person, I applaud your stepping into new territory - new styles. I was thinking of you alot on Thurs, but just got to your blog today. (I needed sleep as my days are also requiring strength!) I am so sorry to hear about those awful docs, and so glad Ryan knows when you need him. Letting the hospital know about those docs will help you to move on and stay strong!
Wahoo! I think it looks great. Kinda fun to experienment a bit. Your sytlist is right, you'll get a great chance to try out all those cute short hairdos. I see a brunette meg ryan do in your future. :) Ok, maybe just because that's MY dream haircut. Make it as fun as you can!
Much love, Susan
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