This morning we're getting ready to leave for Brunner's Lodge in Leavenworth, and we can't wait. The entire Dahl clan (20+ of us) are meeting there for fun and laughter, and I can't wait to see everyone and to enjoy the fun of watching the kids play together. I won't be updating the blog while I'm gone, but you may be certain that we will be having a good time! I'll be home Sunday.
I still feel pretty good after my last chemo, although I'm expecting the Saturday crash that usually occurs. I can live with this...I'll be surrounded by family, in great surroundings, and it's nothing that sleep can't fix.
I am also very excited to report that I'm receiving emails from friends who are seriously considering joining us on the 3 Day Walk this summer. Perhaps when I get home I'll see that others have signed up on our team webpage... (hint, hint). :-)
Must run - lots of packing to finish before we head out the door. Love to all!
Friday, October 28, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
9 down, 7 to go
I'm home from a "good" chemo session, and all is well. Lori, Michele, and I brainstormed for a couple of hours about how to fundraise for the 3 Day Walk (more than just hitting up our friends and family for donations, and reaching into the larger community), and it felt good to do such a thing. I enjoy their company immensely, and it was a fun girlfriend afternoon despite the setting.
Lymphedema: No worries right now. The swelling is minor, and it doesn't have any hot spots, so the nurse is not concerned. I'll elevate it when possible, and that should do the trick for now. Fingers crossed....
Lymphedema: No worries right now. The swelling is minor, and it doesn't have any hot spots, so the nurse is not concerned. I'll elevate it when possible, and that should do the trick for now. Fingers crossed....
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Survivors and lymphedema questions
Today, on two seperate occassions, women approached me and said, "Are you in chemo for breast cancer?" and then shared that they are survivors; coincidentally, each of them is five years out. The both took my hand, looked into my eyes, and said, "You can do this." Truly, it was inspiring - they were both vibrant, smiling women with full heads of hair, and it was incredible to feel their strength and to watch the sparkle in their eyes as they shared their victory with me. I am so grateful to these strangers for sharing their hope with me - thank you, whoever you are, ladies!
I have more serious concerns about lymphedema today. I can no longer see the veins on the back of my left hand, and my knuckles on that hand are poorly defined. Crap. I have a call in to the doctor to see what must be done; it seems that waiting another day isn't such a good idea any more. Hopefully it's just a minor infection ("cellulitis" I think it's called) that can be completely cured with antibiotics...but I will not panic until I am given reason to do so! THANK YOU to Gretchen for giving me some "real world" things to look for so that I knew to follow up.
Insertion here: I just got a call from the nurse at my oncologist's office. She said they'll take a look at me tomorrow, as the next 24 hours won't make a difference. I'm concerned, but we'll just have to see how it goes.
Today has been a full mommy day. I have vowed that on Mondays and Tuesdays, my "best" chemo cycle days, that I will do the maximum possible with and for Tessa, since on the other days I am so comparably low energy, and since I'm so crabby and tired in the evenings especially. (Picture me lying in bed, flipping through bad TV channels, unable to sleep, and telling Tessa "Go find Daddy!" in a grouchy voice, starting between 5pm and 7pm most days. UGH. This is not my best vision of myself, but there it is.) Anyway, today we took Tessa and her friend Derek to the zoo, and we had a marvelous time. Both kids were fabulous, and loved one another's company... as well as the excitement of the zoo, of course. Afterwards, the four of us went to Red Mill Burgers and treated ourselves to really good burgers... decadent, unhealthy, but oh so tasty! It was a great morning, and a good time was had by all.
Tessa didn't nap, which is par for the course these days. At 3:30 we'll head to PEPS, and then we've been invited to dinner at the Huycke's, which we are really looking forward to. A lovely day.
Tomorrow is number 9 of 16. My mom is taking Tessa, and Ryan is getting a chance to go for a bike ride and do some things on his own; Michele (who is using precious time while her MIL takes care of Elliott) is going to take me to chemo, where we will meet Lori (who is using precious vacation time to attend chemo with me), and the three of us will talk about fundraising options for the 3 Day Walk. I hope that tomorrow will be uneventful in terms of the chemo itself, and that despite the clinical setting, I will be able to fully enjoy the company of my girlfriends.
Love to all,
I have more serious concerns about lymphedema today. I can no longer see the veins on the back of my left hand, and my knuckles on that hand are poorly defined. Crap. I have a call in to the doctor to see what must be done; it seems that waiting another day isn't such a good idea any more. Hopefully it's just a minor infection ("cellulitis" I think it's called) that can be completely cured with antibiotics...but I will not panic until I am given reason to do so! THANK YOU to Gretchen for giving me some "real world" things to look for so that I knew to follow up.
Insertion here: I just got a call from the nurse at my oncologist's office. She said they'll take a look at me tomorrow, as the next 24 hours won't make a difference. I'm concerned, but we'll just have to see how it goes.
Today has been a full mommy day. I have vowed that on Mondays and Tuesdays, my "best" chemo cycle days, that I will do the maximum possible with and for Tessa, since on the other days I am so comparably low energy, and since I'm so crabby and tired in the evenings especially. (Picture me lying in bed, flipping through bad TV channels, unable to sleep, and telling Tessa "Go find Daddy!" in a grouchy voice, starting between 5pm and 7pm most days. UGH. This is not my best vision of myself, but there it is.) Anyway, today we took Tessa and her friend Derek to the zoo, and we had a marvelous time. Both kids were fabulous, and loved one another's company... as well as the excitement of the zoo, of course. Afterwards, the four of us went to Red Mill Burgers and treated ourselves to really good burgers... decadent, unhealthy, but oh so tasty! It was a great morning, and a good time was had by all.
Tessa didn't nap, which is par for the course these days. At 3:30 we'll head to PEPS, and then we've been invited to dinner at the Huycke's, which we are really looking forward to. A lovely day.
Tomorrow is number 9 of 16. My mom is taking Tessa, and Ryan is getting a chance to go for a bike ride and do some things on his own; Michele (who is using precious time while her MIL takes care of Elliott) is going to take me to chemo, where we will meet Lori (who is using precious vacation time to attend chemo with me), and the three of us will talk about fundraising options for the 3 Day Walk. I hope that tomorrow will be uneventful in terms of the chemo itself, and that despite the clinical setting, I will be able to fully enjoy the company of my girlfriends.
Love to all,
Monday, October 24, 2005
Autumn days
Today, as I near the end of the chemo cycle, I'm relatively (for my "new" me) energetic, but feeling nauseated. What's with that? I also have a very minor cut on my left hand (the surgery side) and I am worried about swelling in my arm (a possible sign of lymphedema , which is always a risk for mastectomy patients). Hopefully the careful washing of this minor cut, plus Neosporin and a Bandaid, will prevent any problems... but I have my eye on it. It's hard to tell if my swelling is of concern, since ALL of me is swollen from the steroids. Nothing is the end of the world right now, but these things concern me, of course.
On to happier thoughts...
My 3 Day Walk team is amazing, and has already begun fundraising. Susan will join us, as well, and other friends have expressed an interest. The more the merrier - please, sign up! We are going to try to come up with some creative ways to fundraise, and we will let you know how things go. I feel like some of the negative energy I've received from the whole breast cancer diagnosis can be channeled into something more positive with this walk, and I am delighted at the good that is already coming out of it.
Tessa and I had a good morning, and I feel I've given her more of the attention that she deserves today. This morning, Natasha, Derek, and baby Paloma came over for a playdate, and then Tessa and I ran errands together; now, Tessa is having a little quiet time and then we will go to visit Kathleen and Elena for a playdate at their house.
The date that my friend *susan* will visit from Boston ever approaches, and I'm thrilled. *susan*, Gretchen, and I will be able to talk in person, and to share each others' lives, and this is something to treasure. I am very fortunate to have met these two amazing women, who inspire me every day, and remind me that breast cancer does not define any of us.
Because people have requested it, here are a couple pictures. Tessa and cousin Caleb had an amazing time visiting the pumpkin patch a week or so ago; then, this weekend, Ryan (with the help of brother Steve - thank you!) raked leaves and allowed Tessa to cavort and wade in them, and we got some pictures of that, too. Beautiful autumn days are for enjoying, and that's what we've been doing.
Tessa and Caleb holding hands:

Tessa in our leaf pile:
On to happier thoughts...
My 3 Day Walk team is amazing, and has already begun fundraising. Susan will join us, as well, and other friends have expressed an interest. The more the merrier - please, sign up! We are going to try to come up with some creative ways to fundraise, and we will let you know how things go. I feel like some of the negative energy I've received from the whole breast cancer diagnosis can be channeled into something more positive with this walk, and I am delighted at the good that is already coming out of it.
Tessa and I had a good morning, and I feel I've given her more of the attention that she deserves today. This morning, Natasha, Derek, and baby Paloma came over for a playdate, and then Tessa and I ran errands together; now, Tessa is having a little quiet time and then we will go to visit Kathleen and Elena for a playdate at their house.
The date that my friend *susan* will visit from Boston ever approaches, and I'm thrilled. *susan*, Gretchen, and I will be able to talk in person, and to share each others' lives, and this is something to treasure. I am very fortunate to have met these two amazing women, who inspire me every day, and remind me that breast cancer does not define any of us.
Because people have requested it, here are a couple pictures. Tessa and cousin Caleb had an amazing time visiting the pumpkin patch a week or so ago; then, this weekend, Ryan (with the help of brother Steve - thank you!) raked leaves and allowed Tessa to cavort and wade in them, and we got some pictures of that, too. Beautiful autumn days are for enjoying, and that's what we've been doing.
Tessa and Caleb holding hands:

Tessa in our leaf pile:

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