Friday, July 21, 2006

Oh God, no, not another person!

Last week my neighbor came knocking on my door. I knew in an instant that something was terribly wrong, and it is. She had been diagnosed, the hour before, with breast cancer. She came to me for support, and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to share my experiences and strength with her.

Yesterday, she found out that she has stage four breast cancer that has metastacized to her liver and bones. For information, try:

My neighbor has a three year old son. When I gave them the book "Sammy's Mommy Has Cancer" I thought my soul would implode and shatter; I remember all too well those early days. Indeed, I relate all too well to her story, to her fear, to her driving desire to live. The fear colors it all.

Please pray for me that I will know how to help her, and that I will be able to set boundaries so that I do not take on more than I can handle in helping her. Please pray for her, that the journey is tolerable and the cure in sight. Please help me remember that I am not necessarily destined to have her fate; that I have stage IIb cancer, and not stage IV.

I HATE THIS DISEASE. It must be stopped. I will help to stop it. My "Team Kristina" has raised over $20,000 so far, and it's going to help. I will not stop there. "We will fight them on the beaches..."

Today I have wondered if I will lose my mind from it all.
