Here is an email that we are trying to send out today (it's not going through right now because I have a bad email address for somebody in my list - I'm working on that!). Since I'm not sure who reads the blog vs who sends email, I'm putting the entry in here, too.
Please, please, please consider donating. We are truly grateful - thank you! To donate, click on the link in the white box to your right on the screen.
Hello, friends and family. By now most of you have heard that I was diagnosed with breast cancer on June 1, 2005, and that I am in the fight of my life. This is a fight that I fully intend to win - I have great doctors, all kinds of medical advances working in my favor, and pure stubbornness on my side, and this is not a fight I can afford to lose! I have many blessings and supports in my life, and I do not forget them as I do battle every day.
As you might imagine, fundraising for cancer research and support is something that Ryan and I believe in passionately. I am not the first in our family to have cancer - both of my grandfathers had cancer, my Aunt Ann had breast cancer, our nephew Josiah had a rare form of lymphoma, and my sister-in-law Kerri is also fighting breast cancer. Too many people, altogether! Ryan and I want to help to fight for cancer cures and assistance for cancer research, and that is where we are asking for your help.
This September, Ryan is riding in the Portland Livestrong Ride, sponsored by Lance Armstrong's Livestrong Foundation. Ryan will ride alongside Lance, the STP 2004 Team (Paul, Libby, and Kent), and my Uncle Mike (all of whom are doing their own fundraising for the event). If Ryan hits certain fundraising levels, he will win the possibility of an early starting place in the race, close to Lance...but that is not our main goal. Our main goal is to raise money to cure this terrible disease.
Please consider a donation, large or small. No amount is too trivial (every dollar helps!) and certainly, no amount is too large (but only fitting into your personal budget, of course). You can donate by clicking the link online - the registered rider is Ryan. Tessa and I plan to go (as long as I'm doing well in far so good) to cheer Ryan and our friends across the finish line.
TO DONATE, click on the link in the white box to the right on your screen.
We do not wish to inundate your inbox with messages, so this is the last message that we will send. We understand that finances can be tight, and that there are many worthy causes to choose between, but we hope that you will consider even a small donation. Together, we are strong! And please, do not hesitate to forward this email to anyone you think may be interested.
Thank you in advance for considering making a donation. We chose the Lance Armstrong Livestrong foundation because we believe that they spend their money well, and because Lance is a huge source of personal inspiration to both Ryan and myself. We support the good work that they are doing, and we hope that you will too.
Thank you so much for your continued love and support. We would be lost without you.
Kristina, Ryan, and Tessa Surface
PS I tried to check against the list of people who have already donated and I am SO sorry if I inadvertantly sent this to you again. We are thoroughly grateful for you donation - thank you!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Baby Joshua is here!

Hello, friends and family! Here is a picture of my youngest nephew, Joshua Peter, who was born today at 7:16am (I think I have the time correct) - isn't he just so cute?

And of course I can't resist adding a picture of myself holding the little guy (note the new wig - have I posted that here yet?).

And here's a picture of the proud grandparents with all three grandchildren - their cup runneth over with love and joy.

And finally, here's a picture of the beautiful new family. Caleb was not in a picture taking mood - understandable, with all that he has going on - but I had to include it anyway. :-)
Usually my day after chemo is a "make no plans what-so-ever" day, but the birth of a newphew is too good to miss. I'm so glad that I got to meet him on his actual birthday.
My only other update is that today I had my Neulasta shot, and have had no ill-effects from it so far. I'm tired, only slightly nauseaus (fully controllable, but I have to keep an eye on it), and in pretty good spirits.
Love to all,
Joshua's Birth Day
Today little Joshua is being born.....hopefully right this very minute, as a fact, for Krystal was scheduled for a c-section at 7am. Krystal, Mike, Caleb, and Joshua, you are all in my prayers. I can't wait to embrace your family!
We will head to my mom's house (she lives close to the hospital) to await the call, and then we'll visit the new family. I can't wait!
My ECH (Evil Cytoxan Headache) is gone this morning and I couldn't be more grateful. It was horrible and debilitating, my worst chemo symptom yet. Thankfully it was short lived, and Motrin and sleep took care of it. I'm ready for the day!
With love,
We will head to my mom's house (she lives close to the hospital) to await the call, and then we'll visit the new family. I can't wait!
My ECH (Evil Cytoxan Headache) is gone this morning and I couldn't be more grateful. It was horrible and debilitating, my worst chemo symptom yet. Thankfully it was short lived, and Motrin and sleep took care of it. I'm ready for the day!
With love,
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Off to bed for me
Well, friends, the Evil Cytoxan Headache has returned, and I'm treating it by taking Motrin and going to bed early. Hopefully this will cure it and tomorrow I will be ready to take on the day.
Tomorrow is a special day, because my nephew Joshua Peter will be arriving into the world! Mike & Krystal are scheduled to be at the hospital very early, and my hope is that I will get to meet Joshua and share my love and well wishes with Mike, Krystal, and Caleb (the big brother and also my beloved nephew) around 10am. Hurrah! Much to celebrate.
Tomorrow is a special day, because my nephew Joshua Peter will be arriving into the world! Mike & Krystal are scheduled to be at the hospital very early, and my hope is that I will get to meet Joshua and share my love and well wishes with Mike, Krystal, and Caleb (the big brother and also my beloved nephew) around 10am. Hurrah! Much to celebrate.
3 down, 13 to go!
Today I completed my third chemotherapy infusion. It went as well as the first two (aside from having to start late because they were running behind) and had the additional bonus of my mom being there so that we could chit-chat and catch up in an uninterrupted way.
My numbers, according to my doc, are fantastic. I asked about the CA 27.29 and mine is an 11 (down from 44.4 - normal is 0-38). Hurrah! This marker can be very unreliable but they look for trends and the downward trend is definitely confidence inspiring. My blood counts also look excellent (to keep this up, I will go in for a Neulasta shot tomorrow).
More later, when I have more time. Love to all!
My numbers, according to my doc, are fantastic. I asked about the CA 27.29 and mine is an 11 (down from 44.4 - normal is 0-38). Hurrah! This marker can be very unreliable but they look for trends and the downward trend is definitely confidence inspiring. My blood counts also look excellent (to keep this up, I will go in for a Neulasta shot tomorrow).
More later, when I have more time. Love to all!
Today is the third chemo
I didn't sleep well at all last night, and I think that my body was reminding me that I am NOT looking forward to chemo today (who would)? In general, it's gone so well, but it's still not something that I do with joy in my heart.
Today my mom is coming with me, and it will be nice to sit and chit-chat. Thanks, Mom!
Today my mom is coming with me, and it will be nice to sit and chit-chat. Thanks, Mom!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Another busy day
Today was another busy day (shopping for Tessa's fall clothes with Caley and my mom, a play date with Beth and Anna), and then this evening as soon as Ryan got home I left for the YSC meeting. It was very interesting to hear the other perspectives at the meeting - a lot of the discussion was centered on reconstructive surgery, pros and cons of different types of reconstruction, and WHEN people would choose to have reconstruction. No two survivors appear to have the same theory on this subject, and I find that interesting.
Here's my take on it: I want reconstruction as soon as it's healthy to do so. I lean towards the DIEP surgery (taking abdominal tissue and turning it into breast tissue), but it is a MAJOR surgery with a long recovery and a ton of scars afterwards, and that scares me. The jury is still out on what I'll do, this is just my leaning. (Plus, it comes with a free tummy tuck by default....)
So much to say, so little time....I'm off to bed. More tomorrow!
Here's my take on it: I want reconstruction as soon as it's healthy to do so. I lean towards the DIEP surgery (taking abdominal tissue and turning it into breast tissue), but it is a MAJOR surgery with a long recovery and a ton of scars afterwards, and that scares me. The jury is still out on what I'll do, this is just my leaning. (Plus, it comes with a free tummy tuck by default....)
So much to say, so little time....I'm off to bed. More tomorrow!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Sunday part two
Well, the headache didn't go away and so we went out to eat. 7:24pm and I'm considering bed...sigh. Oh well the food will keep, and Ryan's here to care for Tessa, so it could be worse.
Good night!
Good night!
At this moment, Tessa is not napping in her room...I believe that today is a quiet time day. Ah well...
We've had a busy morning. Ryan got up before me at the crack of dawn to get on his bike (and get on the roads before they got busy), and I woke up before Tessa at 6:30am. I read in bed until 7am when she woke up, and then we had a light bite to eat and got dressed, leaving the house by 8am. I loaded Tessa into the baby jogger, and took a brisk walk with her to the grocery store to pick up a few things (I've decided that it's high time I started cooking again - I can not rely on the generousity of friends forever), about a two mile round trip. When we got back, Ryan was home, and I made us french toast, sausages, and sides of fruit (with a mocha for Ryan, but not for me, because I am "off" coffee these days). It was great - classical music, good food, and I felt like, even at the early hour, I'd accomplished something.
After breakfast and showers, we loaded into the car "for an adventure." We first went to SuperGo, to drop Ryan off to look at some bike stuff and to get his bike wheel fixed (he broke a spoke). While he did that, Tessa and I went next-door to Half Price Books, and found her a couple of cute books (and spent time reading many more) to take home. Then we all met up again, and went to the UW campus just for the sake of walking around and enjoying the campus. It was Tessa's first time there, and I have no idea what she thought of the beautiful architecture and landscaping, but I am certain that she liked the squirrels and the fact that, with no students there now, we could let her run wild around campus - lots of grass and footpaths, nothing to hurt her, so we let her lead the way. We walked through the quad and I pointed out various buildings and talked about the classes I'd taken there to Ryan, and we walked down my memory lane. (I should add, for those who know the campus, that we walked about 1/20th of it with Tessa...this was just a taste!)
After the UW, we went to U Village because there is a Barnes and Noble there, and Ryan and I each had gift certificates. (By mid-autumn there will be a Barnes and Noble just a couple of miles from us - it's under construction - but until then we must drive. I'd prefer a great independent bookstore but I have to admit that I do like Barnes and Noble, even if they are the downfall of civilization as we know it...!) We took turns - Tessa played on the play structure outside with Ryan while I shopped, and then Ryan shopped while Tessa and I read stories in the children's section.
It was a great morning, but up popped and evil headache, and on the car ride home I was silent...ugh. A big glass of water and two Motrin later it's much better, thank goodness.
Tonight we have no plans, which is lovely. I do, however, plan to cook dinner...something I'm trying to do much more often now. Susie made a fabulous pototo salad (roasted baby potatoes, sour cream, basil, and roasted garlic...soooo delicious!) at a recent BBQ, so I got her recipe, and I'm considering it the centerpiece of the meal. I am also making insalata caprese (we eat it all summer - I just love it), wild sockeye salmon (grilled), and broccoli, but the meal is planned around the potato salad. Yummm yummm.
I hope that your Sundays are going as well...minus the headache, of course!
We've had a busy morning. Ryan got up before me at the crack of dawn to get on his bike (and get on the roads before they got busy), and I woke up before Tessa at 6:30am. I read in bed until 7am when she woke up, and then we had a light bite to eat and got dressed, leaving the house by 8am. I loaded Tessa into the baby jogger, and took a brisk walk with her to the grocery store to pick up a few things (I've decided that it's high time I started cooking again - I can not rely on the generousity of friends forever), about a two mile round trip. When we got back, Ryan was home, and I made us french toast, sausages, and sides of fruit (with a mocha for Ryan, but not for me, because I am "off" coffee these days). It was great - classical music, good food, and I felt like, even at the early hour, I'd accomplished something.
After breakfast and showers, we loaded into the car "for an adventure." We first went to SuperGo, to drop Ryan off to look at some bike stuff and to get his bike wheel fixed (he broke a spoke). While he did that, Tessa and I went next-door to Half Price Books, and found her a couple of cute books (and spent time reading many more) to take home. Then we all met up again, and went to the UW campus just for the sake of walking around and enjoying the campus. It was Tessa's first time there, and I have no idea what she thought of the beautiful architecture and landscaping, but I am certain that she liked the squirrels and the fact that, with no students there now, we could let her run wild around campus - lots of grass and footpaths, nothing to hurt her, so we let her lead the way. We walked through the quad and I pointed out various buildings and talked about the classes I'd taken there to Ryan, and we walked down my memory lane. (I should add, for those who know the campus, that we walked about 1/20th of it with Tessa...this was just a taste!)
After the UW, we went to U Village because there is a Barnes and Noble there, and Ryan and I each had gift certificates. (By mid-autumn there will be a Barnes and Noble just a couple of miles from us - it's under construction - but until then we must drive. I'd prefer a great independent bookstore but I have to admit that I do like Barnes and Noble, even if they are the downfall of civilization as we know it...!) We took turns - Tessa played on the play structure outside with Ryan while I shopped, and then Ryan shopped while Tessa and I read stories in the children's section.
It was a great morning, but up popped and evil headache, and on the car ride home I was silent...ugh. A big glass of water and two Motrin later it's much better, thank goodness.
Tonight we have no plans, which is lovely. I do, however, plan to cook dinner...something I'm trying to do much more often now. Susie made a fabulous pototo salad (roasted baby potatoes, sour cream, basil, and roasted garlic...soooo delicious!) at a recent BBQ, so I got her recipe, and I'm considering it the centerpiece of the meal. I am also making insalata caprese (we eat it all summer - I just love it), wild sockeye salmon (grilled), and broccoli, but the meal is planned around the potato salad. Yummm yummm.
I hope that your Sundays are going as well...minus the headache, of course!
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