Monday, July 18, 2005

Of all the wacky things...what next?

I got a call from my OB/GYN today. She had been looking at my scans because the CT scan noted "tubal ligation suspected" (which is not true) and the bone scan noted "degeneration" in the hips. The tubal ligation is just plain not true and Dr. H didn't see anything to worry about, but the degeneration is something she's concerned about. The bones in my hips are indeed showing signs of wear, and it's possible that this is an early form of osteoporosis or of arthritis. You have got to be kidding me, is all I have to say. As if I don't have enough to think about!!! Anyway, I will need to go in for a bone density scan sometime soon, and talk to an orthopedic surgeon down the road to keep an eye on this. Since my mom and grandma have/had arthritis, that is a possibility, but I don't feel any hip pain (except when I was pregnant, and that was brutal). If it's osteoporosis, I guess there is treatment (calcium?) that I can take.

This never would have been spotted if every inch of my body wasn't being scanned for cancer...if it weren't for that, I'd never know about it. I guess it's good to know and to take appropriate precautions, but it's a bit disheartening. Am I really just falling apart?! I'm only 35 and I seem to be getting old women's diseases left and right. It seems very unfair, but nobody told me that life was fair....

Otherwise, I'm doing extremely well. I enjoyed our walk this evening, and I'm enjoying feeling much better than I thought I would. Things could certainly be worse.

Until next time,


The Green Cedar said...

The last time I looked, the best medicine for bone density problems was weight training or some kind of resistance exercise. You might check it out. (And of course you know this advice is worth at least what you paid for it...:-)

Hope this turns into something you can live with healthily.

Anonymous said...

You're so funny, Kristina! Of course we are all starting to fall apart, sag and the happens to those who are fortunate enough to grow older (I keep reminding myself!). But, for most of the population, ignorance is bliss!

Osteoporosis is a risk for all women, some more than others given family history. Try to think of this new information as simply "silver lining" in this whole cancer thing. Afterall, you now have insight into a potentially very painful and disabling problem and can actively do something about it.

Thanks to Gretchen. What a great, simple reminder for all women to regularly engage in some kind of impact excercise. Up for a walk?

Boy is my life healthier because of you sharing your experiences: Regular (obsessively frequent) SBE, healthful diet, daily walks. What next? (KIDDING!)

Love ya tonnes, girlfriend. Happy to hear that your recovery is going better than expected.
