Wednesday, July 20, 2005

When it rains it pours. Yesterday was a flood!

Yesterday, Ryan came home from work early with terrible chest pain and the anxiety that accompanies such pain. We rushed him to the doctor, and he is now being treated. Ryan is much more private with the particulars of himself and his health than I am (as all of you can see from this blog, I'm an open book, but Ryan is truly a private person....not sure how he puts up with me!) so I'll leave it at that and just ask that you include his quick healing in your prayers. His doctor has advised a week at home for rest and recovery. This is not a good time for Ryan to take time off from his job, and that worries him, but his health is paramount and we are blessed with an understanding boss who wishes him well.

These are difficult days for our family, but not without sunshine. Today I went to the wading pool and I mostly watched and rested while Caley chased Tessa around; it was good for our family to be in the sunshine and watching our daughter's joy.

As for me, I'm stressed by all this (of course) but still counting my blessings, which are many. My recovery from Monday's surgery is amazing, especially considering yesterday's troubles. I am able to lift my arm over my head already, and whereas I don't have full mobility it's MUCH better than this stage of my mastectomy recovery.

With love,


Anonymous said...

Graham and I are sending our prayers and every spare ounce of positive energy to you all, as I'm sure everyone else is. I am so glad you have such wonderfully supportive friends and family.

Please let us know if we can help in any way.


*susan* said...

Oh my goodness... please pass my best wishes onto Ryan. I guess this is just a reminder that our caretakers are at risk too.

This is too much though. Just too much.

The Green Cedar said...

You're all in my prayers. Be very, very kind to yourselves.