Thursday, December 21, 2006

Clean scan!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.....they worked!

I just returned from the bone scan. The tech, Mike, had me wait while "the experts" reviewed my scans, and he confirmed that there was no evidence of disease. I now consider Mike to be my personal Santa Claus, and my Christmas wishes are taken care of!

Of course I still have to figure out what's wrong; I have pain and I need to figure it out. Frankly, though, I don't care what it is. If it's not going to kill me, I can deal with it. Herniated disc? Fine. Muscle spasms? Fine. Just not cancer!

Lying in the scan, which took about an hour, I believe I actually tasted fear. Fear tastes metallic and cold. Fear is looking up at the ugly ceiling tiles and wondering if this is it, if my time is up. Fear is wondering if this will be my last Christmas. Fear is wondering if my family could handle another cancer diagnosis. Fear, fear, fear. Unfounded fears, as it turns out. I have been granted a reprieve.


1 comment:

Megan said...

"Fear tastes metallic and cold"

That's poignantly poetic