Monday, February 06, 2006

Good news and then OUCH!

Getting dressed today, I discovered two things:

1. I can fit into some pants I bought at the beginning of the fall, and then outgrew. HURRAH! I'm also wearing a sweater that didn't fit a month ago. Things are improving!

2. As I slathered on Biafine under my arm, I felt something rough move under my fingers. I smoothed away the Biafine to find that my skin has degraded and now there is a piece of skin that completely rubbed away (the rough bit, as it turns out, was the top layer of skin lifting off...!), leaving a raw area underneath. ACK! Now my underarm is tender and I'm not thrilled about it, as you might imagine. I guess I am not immune to this, as I'd hoped.

I started to title this post "good news and bad news" but then I backed up. "Bad news" is something significant, like a recurrance, which I do not have. This is merely a setback, so doesn't qualify as bad news.



The Green Cedar said...

Whatever...ouch! Anybody talked about Silvadine yet? Messy but helpful.

Mega-congratulations on the new fits, though!

Love & ouchlessness to come,

*susan* said...

Need me to send netting West? Glad you are finding joy in your 'old' clothes.



Anonymous said...

Congrats on enjoying the "old" clothes. Didn't it make you smile????? I LOVE that feeling.


Anonymous said...

I am jealous...and you are an inspiration! I am excited and a little envious of your fantastic weight loss: WAY TO GO! You always seem to do exactly what you set your mind to do, so really this is no surprise.

Also, I am excited to hear that you are getting the positive feedback about your "superhero" efforts from others (not just your loyal friends). Damn, Kristina you are really some kind of woman...
