Friday, December 09, 2005

A burst of energy

I have no idea where it came from, but in the past day I have actually been very active. Yesterday I took Tessa to preschool, then headed to a playdate with Marilyn & Damien (lovely), then came home to address Christmas cards and do a few chores, and then headed out to bookclub. This morning Ryan has Tessa at preschool, and I've added a few more Christmas cards to the pile now that I have their addresses, and in a moment I'll head off to the post office. Later today I'm going to Barnes & Noble in West Seattle to wrap presents as a fundraiser for the 3-Day, and I'm looking forward to hanging out with my girlfriends there, and to making progress on our fundraising goals.

I will take energy where I can find it, even if I have no idea where it's coming from! I hope that today finds you well, as well.



The Green Cedar said...

Grab those gifts when you can -- so glad to hear that today is more like the "normal" Kristina!

Love & giftwrap,

*susan* said...

Love to hear you sounding happy and excited. Use the energy you have, and then when it is gone, find a book and the couch.

The flow is totally unpreditable. Love,
