Friday, September 23, 2005

Friday's update

A quick post - much to do, not enough time...which is the way of things most days!

Today we went to preschool and Tessa had a great time. I enjoy watching her make new friends and adapt to the preschool environment, and I'm proud of the good manners she has displayed so far at preschool. I love to watch her dance and sing during the music portion - her whole face lights up.

After preschool we ran some errands, and now we're home. I need to start getting ready for our big trip to Portland this weekend. We're looking forward to seeing Portland family, and visiting with Charlotte & Mike (who are staying at the same hotel), and hooking up with the Team DJ crew.

Ryan got a very exciting phone call last night. It seems that Mike's riding partner for the LiveSTRONG ride raised enough money that she was given two tickets to the pasta dinner the night before (which we believe that Lance will attend), but she can't make it. She gave the two tickets to Mike...who is sharing one with Ryan. Ryan is thrilled by this! Lance has been Ryan's hero, on many levels, for a long time now, and so this is a thrilling opportunity for him. Thank you to Uncle Mike for sharing, and to Aunt Charlotte for giving up her place at Uncle Mike's side so that Ryan can attend. This means that Ryan will miss the family/friends dinner the night before, but we hope that our family and friends will understand what an amazing - and once in a lifetime - opportunity this is for Ryan.

I will be offline all weekend; we leave tomorrow morning for Portland and don't return until Monday - the race is Sunday. At last count, the website shows that Ryan raised $1680.00, and we know that Microsoft is matching a portion of that, and that there may be some donations still being processed through snail mail. THANK YOU SO MUCH to the friends and family who have supported this worthy cause. I hope that by the time Tessa is an adult the word "cancer" doesn't carry such scary connotations, because we will have found better ways to treat or cure it.



*susan* said...

Have a wonderful weekend with your family. And may Ryan ride with happiness. What a wonderful opportunity to eat pasta in the same room as Lance.

Can't wait for your report on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

All the best for the weekend for you all...and I hope Ryan gets to shake Lance's hand...

Love the descriptions of Tessa at preschool. A reminder of the aliveness of much-loved little ones.

Love & hugs,

Arielle said...

Got your blog site from the YSC boards. I am glad to see that you are having a weekend with your family. We are pretty much on the same chemo schedule, done in December! I had a stomach bug also, though hit right after chemo - taxotere and carboplatin.
Hang in there and it'll be the holiday season before we know it!